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Net Zero Program Fees

Fees Changes - effective January 1, 2022

Since the pilot in 2015, the Net Zero Home Labelling Program has grown to include over 2,000 labelled homes to date. Each home labelled and each Qualified Net Zero Participant makes the program stronger. The Program is an industry-developed, self-funded, voluntary program that does not receive any direct financial support for labelling homes. (Unlike the ENERGY STAR® program that’s funded through tax dollars.) To ensure the future of this self-sustaining program, a fair and simple billing structure has been put in place. This update to our billing structure will get us closer to meeting this objective.


1.   Annual Participant Registration Fees will be billed by CHBA-National to each Qualified Participant every January at the time of annual registration and attestation. This fee pays for on-going program administration and marketing.


2024 2025 2026 2027
Qualified Net Zero Builder $260 $265 $270 $275
Qualified Net Zero Renovator $260 $265 $270 $275
Qualified Net Zero Energy Advisor $156 $159 $162 $165
Qualified Net Zero Trainer $52 $53 $54 $55
Qualified Net Zero Service Organization $156 $159 $162 $165


2.   Home Registration Fees for each home labelled will be billed to Builders/Renovators by your Qualified Net Zero Service Organization and will be included with the service fees from your SO. This fee pays for on-going Program maintenance including updates to the Technical and Administrative Requirements.

2024 2025 2026 2027
Home Registration Fee (per label) $104 $106 $108 $110


- Newly qualifying participants registering after June 30 will pay 50% of the Annual Participant Registration Fee for the first year, and those registering after December 1 can be deferred to the next calendar year.

- Participants that no longer want to participate in the program must cancel their agreement with the Program by emailing in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary fees. Upon cancellation, participants will be removed from the CHBA Net Zero directory listing and they may no longer promote themselves as a Qualified Net Zero Participant. Homes labelled prior to the cancellation will remain qualified and listed. Re-qualification in the future will require that the participant meet all program qualification requirements at time of re-registration.

- Training fees of $47 per participant are billed by your Qualified Net Zero Service Organization at the time of Net Zero Training registration and is included in the price of each course. This fee pays for on-going Net Zero Training course updates and the development of new training courses. (2025=$48, 2026=$49, 2027=$50)

- The fees will increase annually at 2% to account for inflation.