I’m a Building Official
Find out about the similarities and differences between factory construction and site-built when it comes to code compliance and enforcement.
Code Compliance for Modular Construction
Modular and The Environment
The Factory-Built Process
Our code compliance webinar was the most attended webinar of our “Working with Modular” webinar series, and feedback from building officials was very positive, so you may want to check it out. This page on our All About Modular hub is also packed with information. You can also check out our
FAQ page where we have documented the answers to many questions we have received from building officials.
Find out about net zero energy efficient modular construction. Spoiler alert—it’s virtually the same as net zero site-built construction, with some advantages. Modular construction also has some advantages when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and climate resilience in relation to wildfire, flooding and high winds. Click here for more information.
Have you ever been in a homebuilding factory? If not, here is your chance to take a look. This webinar starts with a fly-though of one of our members’ factories. We also explain in detail how the process documents the specifications for each building and stores records for at least five years. Go check it out.
For more information contact:

Keith Herring
Modular & Construction Systems
613-230-3060 ext.261