NAHB/IBS Discounts

NAHB International Builders' Show
CHBA Members get NAHB Member Pricing!
FEB 25-27, 2025 | LAS VEGAS
About IBS
The International Builders' Show® (IBS) is an annual event put on by NAHB (our American counterparts) that connects, educates and improves the residential construction industry. It's a hub for new product launches, construction demos, industry thought leader sessions, workshops, panel discussions, and more. The people, products and knowledge you’ll gain will give you the real ideas and real solutions you need to grow and strengthen your essential business.

CHBA Members get Discounted Access to IBS
Since 2013, CHBA has been partnering with NAHB to bring special value and discounted rates to CHBA members interested in attending the NAHB International Builders’ Show (IBS). CHBA members receive NAHB member pricing, including first-timer discounts, and a free expo pass if you register in September.

Event Registration is now open on NAHB's IBS website. Members should identify as "Canadian HBA Members" to qualify for the discount and to receive an invitation to CHBA's Canada Night Reception. Hotel information is also part of the registration process. For all details, including registration options, costs, and schedule, visit the IBS website.

Hotel Block
The hotel block that CHBA members had access to at Caesar's Palace is now closed.

Connecting with CHBA Members
Back by popular demand, CHBA will be hosting a reception for any CHBA members attending IBS. Meet and mingle with your fellow Canadians during this casual gathering, taking place on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 from 4-5:30PM. CHBA members registered for IBS as Canadian HBA members will be given an invitation to attend. Space is limited, so make sure to register when you receive the invitation!
Sponsorship for the evening reception is available. For details about the opportunity, please email Kelly MacLaren, CHBA's Manager, Stakeholder Relations.