Guide to Getting Hired
While formal training or experience are not required to obtain a construction job, accumulating experience and expertise along the route can help you develop your career. Knowing where to begin can make a career in this industry easier and more rewarding. To acquire a construction job with no experience, follow these steps:
Make a Resume
Create a resume that shows your unique qualities and abilities while also aligning with the position you're interested in. Because you lack formal building experience, concentrate on any talents that might be beneficial to the project and the company. You can emphasize your attention to detail, communication, or time-management abilities, for example. You may also highlight that you're not only a quick learner, but that you're also eager to learn. Emphasize your work ethic and overall dependability, which will come in handy during construction.
See if anybody in your network can assist you in getting started in the construction industry. Being open and honest about your professional objectives might help you make better use of your time and locate the job you want. If you're lucky, someone in your network might be able to connect you with someone who needs carpentry, sheet metal work, or even building and construction inspection assistance.
Develop your Skills for Success
As you develop your practical skills, consider developing your Skills for Success. These skills provide you with a foundation for learning other skills and can help you evolve in your career and help facilitate day-to-day tasks. Consider developing the following skills:
- Thinking and problem solving
- Working with others and collaborating
- Communication
- Numeracy
- Document use
- Computer use and digital technology
- Reading
- Writing
- Continuous learning
Click here to learn more about Skills for Success.
Search for Keywords
If you’re searching for jobs online, look for construction jobs that advertise little to no experience required. Use keywords like "general labourer" or "construction labourer" to uncover relevant work possibilities when you start your entry-level job search. Many firms use terminology like this to recruit candidates with little or no experience. When looking for employment, keep in mind that you may be required to undertake cleaning duties or simple manual labour. Short-term or seasonal jobs are also a great way to get your foot in the door, and make for great summer jobs.
Apply for an Apprenticeship
As a prospective construction worker, consider applying for an apprenticeship program. Many apprenticeships provide both on-the-job and classroom training in the field. Apprenticeships typically last two to four years and provide you with the opportunity to master basic construction skills. You are also compensated during your apprenticeship, so you do not need to look for other work to supplement your income while you learn.
Click here to learn more about available apprenticeship programs in your area.
Choose a Field
Determine which aspect of the construction sector you'd like to specialize in after you've gained some experience. As you gain experience, narrow your employment search to the construction specializations that interest you. As a result, you will get the most relevant experience for the professions you desire in the future.
Click here to explore career opportunities.