Annual meeting of members
2025 Home Building Week in Canada
Sunday, May 11 - Thursday, May 15 | Victoria, BC
The 2025 Annual Meeting of Members of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association will convene at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC on May 13th, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. PT. The meeting is open to all members of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association.
Draft resolutions will be found in the Board of Directors' Folder within the Info Hub (go to "Account Sign In" in the top menu bar of the website to access). Additional materials will be added as they become available.
Members who do not register for the AMM will have their votes assigned to their Local or Provincial Association, as prescribed by CHBA By-laws.
Members who do register for the CHBA National Spring Meetings and indicate they are attending the AMM and attend the meeting in person will vote as an individual.

Voting Proxies
Members who cannot attend in person, or who fail to register for the AMM before the deadline, will have their votes assigned to their Local or Provincial Association, as prescribed by CHBA By-laws.
A Local or Provincial HBA can assign its votes to any CHBA member attending the AMM, regardless of where the member is located. HBAs must inform the national office in writing (email to is acceptable) of their designate by Friday, April 11, 2025. Note that Executive Officers are employees, not members, of the Association, and as such they may not vote on behalf of an HBA.
Members will be able to access meeting materials, including the agenda, resolutions, and other supporting documentation, once it becomes available in the Hub.