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How to Become Qualified

How to Become a Qualified Net Zero Participant

How do I become a Qualified Net Zero Builder?

How do I become a Qualified Net Zero Renovator?

How do I become a Qualified Net Zero Energy Advisor?

How do I become a Qualified Net Zero Trainer?

How do I become a Qualified Net Zero Service Organization?

To maintain this designation, participation in on-going CHBA Net Zero education is required (at minimum, at the time of program change), and at least one Net Zero or Net Zero Ready Home must be labelled every 3 years. All CHBA Qualified Net Zero Participants must register with the CHBA annually and pay their corresponding program fees.

Builders/renovators are responsible for complying with the Builder/Renovator Agreement and meeting all program requirements. They build/renovate the homes and are responsible for ensuring that their homes meet the Program Technical Requirements. They must provide attestation to CHBA that all program requirements have been met.

Eligible pre-requisite Building Science courses must be delivered based on the concepts within the CHBA Builders' Manual and have an exam to confirm the students understanding of the course learning objectives. It is up to the discretion of the CHBA Qualified Net Zero Service Organization to determine if the pre-requisite is met upon a students registration in the Net Zero Builder Training course.

Register to become a CHBA Qualified Net Zero Participant

Please do not register as a Qualified Net Zero Participant until your Service Organization has confirmed your eligibility and prompted you to register. The registration serves as your Participant Agreement and Attestation and is to be signed annually.




For more information see the Program Requirements
(you must be a CHBA Member and logged in to view it)
or contact a CHBA Qualified Net Zero Service Organization.