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Day on the Hill


The Canadian Home Builders’ Association's Day on the Hill brings together parliamentarians and home building industry leaders from across Canada for a day on Parliament Hill to discuss housing, Canadians and communities. The event complements the extensive year-round consultations that CHBA has with MPs.

CHBA’s regular consultations with federal policymakers continue year round. CHBA continually provides industry insights that can assist in developing informed and effective policies, by participating in meetings with Ministers, MPs, opposition critics and shadow ministers, and via formal consultations such as the pre-budget consultation process and various Ministerial roundtables, as well as being a regular witness at House of Commons Committees and Senate Committees.

The federal government plays a key role in housing, and its policies help determine whether young Canadians and families can achieve their dreams of having a home of their own.

Housing affordability continues to be a priority concern among many Canadians. Home prices have risen considerably due to supply/demand imbalances, development taxes, and other factors directly impacted by government policies, and wages aren’t keeping up. The result has been too many young people locked out of homeownership. CHBA has recommendations on how to address the factors that are driving up home prices, and in turn help unlock the door to homeownership. See the latest recommendations from CHBA to parliamentarians in CHBA's latest policy infoguide Unlocking the Door to Homeownership – 2024 Recommendations on the Federal Role.

By sharing ideas about how best to protect affordability, we can work together to ensure young Canadians can find a place to call home. We can make our communities stronger and more competitive. And we can create jobs and ensure the next generation of skilled workers is ready to continue building and renovating our cities and towns.

Housing matters – to everyone, in every community. It matters to the economy, and to the economic prosperity of Canadians. It’s a conversation worth having.