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2023 CHBA Home Buyer Preference Survey results indicate what Canadians expect from their homes

OTTAWA – March 15, 2023 – The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) has released the 2023 Canadian Home Buyer Preferences, a publication and data set from the annual CHBA Home Buyer Preference Survey, a nationwide market research study powered by Avid Ratings Canada. The survey asks recent buyers of new construction homes questions on more than 50 in-depth areas of home design, building features, buying preferences, and demographics. Now in its eighth year, the survey data illustrates trends in preferences and gives some empirical insight into the evolution of Canadian homes, and how Canadians are buying them.

This year, 20,720 homebuyers across 6 provinces were surveyed. In addition to the final report, which provides national preferences and trends, all survey data is available to filter results based on buyer demographic data, including location, age, purchase price, and more.

The top ten home features this year were dominated by storage and energy efficiency. For storage, walk-in closets, linen closets, and garage space account for four of the top ten spots. Energy efficiency features making the top ten include energy-efficient appliances, an overall energy-efficient home, high-efficiency windows, and HRV/ERV air exchange systems. Kitchen features remain the highest ranked category by respondents again this year, and kitchen islands and open-concept kitchens made the top ten list.

Using online and digital resources when buying a home have been growing in popularity since the inception of the survey, and the pandemic resulted in a sharp increase in buyers who start the search for their new home online. That said, the top preferred methods for finding a builder are still visiting model homes and sales centers, followed by taking a drive through the community.

One of the more interesting questions the survey asks is what recent new homebuyers would be willing to accept to make their next home more affordable. This question forces respondents to prioritize what’s most important to them. The most preferred trade-off was a smaller home, followed closely by being located farther from work or amenities. Very few people were willing to compromise on construction material quality or the energy efficiency of the home.

For more information and to access the full survey results, visit


The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) is the voice of the residential construction industry in Canada, representing some 8,500 member firms across the country. Our membership spans new home builders, renovators, developers, trade contractors, building material manufacturers and suppliers, lenders, and other professionals in the housing sector.