Net Zero Council
About the Net Zero Council
CHBA’s Net Zero Council (NZC) supports innovation in our industry with the goal of creating a market advantage for CHBA builder and renovator members pursuing Net Zero performance. The Council's work will help to meet the housing aspirations of Canadians, and renew Canadian leadership in high performance housing.
In alignment with the CHBA Strategic Priority to Advance Innovation, the mandate of this self-funding ad-hoc Council is to deliver services that will support members’ voluntary adoption of Net Zero housing.
The NZC will:
- gather intelligence on member and consumer needs to inform priorities and influence strategic advancements
- build awareness and knowledge through the consolidation and sharing of information utilizing a variety of channels and forums, and
- implement activities to identify barriers, find solutions, transfer knowledge, inform policy, accelerate action and increase efficiencies.
Key Priorities
- A Labelling Program to distinguish and recognize Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes and the builders/renovators (Learn more here)
- Marketing & Communications initiatives to develop the Net Zero brand, build awareness and understanding of the value of Net Zero homes, and stimulate market demand
- Educational initiatives to bridge the knowledge gap and accelerate the industry's capacity to capitalize on Net Zero
- Financing initiatives to address the initial cost of Net Zero Homes and implement innovative and effective financing mechanisms

Sonja Winkelmann
Senior Director,
Net Zero Housing
613.230.3060 x235
- Directs the efforts of the Net Zero Energy Housing Council, including member and sponsor retention and recruitment to raise funds annually for this self-funded Council.
- Manages the Spring and Fall Council meetings as well as the monthly Management Committee meetings.
- Leads the Net Zero Team staff to effectively implement programs and projects.
- Guides the Net Zero Consumer Marketing and Industry Education efforts.
- For more information visit

Lynne Strickland
Director, Initiatives,
Net Zero Housing
613.230.3060 x236
- Project Management lead for the NRCan funded national multi-year RD&D projects including “Towards cost-effective net-zero energy ready residential renovations” and “Applicable, Replicable and Marketable Net Zero (Ready) MURBs.”
- As Director, Initiatives, Lynne’s role is to bring relevant applied research and technology to our members to facilitate scalable advances in the residential construction industry.
- For more information visit and

Brett Cass
Technical Manager,
Net Zero Housing
613.230.3060 x233
- Manages the delivery and maintenance of the Net Zero Home Labelling Program Technical and Administrative Requirements.
- Staff lead for the Net Zero Technical Committee who meets monthly.
- Ensures technical and process alignment of new programming during development i.e., Renos, MURBs/Mid-Density, IAQ, Neighbourhoods.
- Supports development and maintenance of Net Zero Training courses.
- Coordination of the Net Zero Home Labelling Program (NZHLP) focused on both the participant and home qualification processes (including training administration, annual registrations, invoicing, and database updates).
- Key contact for Net Zero Home Labelling Program participants (Builders, Renovators, Energy Advisors, Service Organizations, and Trainers).
- For more information visit

Laurie Howe
Administrator, Net Zero Housing
613.230.3060 x262
- Provides financial, scheduling, and other administrative support for Net Zero Housing projects including, "Towards cost-effective net-zero energy ready residential renovations", "Applicable, Replicable and Marketable Net Zero (Ready) MUURBS", and "Post COVID Costing Data for Residential New Constructions (Part 9)"
- Key contact for billing and in-kind contributions related to Net Zero Initiatives.